Eating Healthy during the Hectic Fall Season

School, homework, soccer practice, ballet, board meetings, meal planning, social events – the list goes on and on. The end of summer often means the beginning of a hectic fall, and now is the perfect time to ensure that healthy eating stays on top of your priority list.

A healthy lifestyle for the entire family can be easier than it seems – even for the busiest household. With a little planning, both parents and kids will find themselves prepared for those last-minute meals and snack attacks that may otherwise place them in front of the vending machine, or in the drive-thru line.  As parents are back to work, and kids are back to school, it is even more important than ever to be armed with functional foods that will keep you fueled and feeling satisfied.  Planning ahead for snacks and meals that are both nutritious and delicious is the key to success. Preparing nutritious snacks and meals on a tight schedule is all about being creative, so finding the right go-to foods the whole family will enjoy is important.   Here are a few tips that you may find useful during these hectic times, especially with the holidays just around the corner.

Try adding “super fruits,” such as prunes (also known as dried plums), to a bowl of yogurt for a tasty breakfast that’s high in antioxidants, potassium and fiber.   Plan nutritious snacks for between meals.  Everyone needs a little something to tide them over between lunch and dinner.  Having a healthy snack on hand will help prevent you from turning to the vending machine for some midday fuel. Stock your desk and your child’s backpack with nutritious snacks that are packaged to stay fresh and hold up en route to any destination. Try mixing dried fruit with almonds for a snack that will fill you both up in a healthful way.  Keep healthy foods in your car or purse. Having nutrient-rich snacks on hand is essential in ensuring your child stays energized between extracurricular activities, and that you stay fueled when transporting them.  End the day on a healthy note. After a busy day of work, school and extracurricular activities, it’s important to replenish your family in both body and mind with a healthful dinner.  Set aside time one day a week for food preparation for the upcoming week for nights you just don’t have time to cook.  Have fun experimenting with new recipes and putting new spins on old favorites. Dinner is also a great time to squeeze in those extra vitamins and minerals to your family’s diet at the end of the day. Incorporating dried fruit, such as cherries, blueberries or prunes, into salads, side dishes and even entrees will not only add sweetness and texture to meals, but it’s also an easy way to incorporate nutrients that might otherwise be missing from the dinner table.

Not only do you get health benefits from your healthy lifestyle, but you can save money when purchasing private health insurance and get discounts in your premium due to excellent health.   When you purchase health insurance in North Carolina, many companies (Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina) offer discounts for vitamins and provide offer other services to help  promote healthy lifestyles. 

For more information on health insurance coverage in North Carolina, please visit our website at or call our toll free number 888-765-5400 and speak with one of our qualified agents. Our agency provides coverage for health insurance in North Carolina through Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBSNC). You may qualify for a 15% healthy lifestyle discount if you are in excellent health. Call us for details.

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