Hey Big Eyes! – Pediatric Vision Coverage from BCBSNC

Portrait of serious little boy with big brown eyes and blue glas

Because nothing is quite so nice as seeing a child’s eyes light up, Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina offers vision coverage for children as a part of every BCBSNC health plan.  Our eyesight is one of the things we are most dependent on, but did you know that in young children vision problems aren’t always obvious?  As children grow, they can become accustomed to seeing the world a certain way and oftentimes do not recognize there is any problem with their eyesight.  They may not even know enough to tell you and it can be difficult to interpret the warning signs.

Although you may recognize certain symptoms such as squinting, sitting too close to the TV, or rubbing their eyes, sometimes there are no signs at all and this can make a diagnosis difficult.  Vision problems often begin to emerge between 18 months and 4 years of age.  The two most common vision issues are a crossed or wandering eye and uneven focus, where one eye is more farsighted than the other.  The first issue affects 3%-5% of young children, but this issue is usually detectable by an eye that drifts or appears crossed in respect to the other eye.  This is something your doctor would likely catch at a wellness check-up for your baby or toddler.

The other issue, however, is the hardest to detect because young children don’t know their vision is faulty.  Either of these conditions, however, need treatment.  If left untreated, a child’s stronger eye – the one that sees further or focuses better – becomes the dominant eye and the brain begins to ignore the images that come from the weaker eye.  By age 9 or 10, the vision loss in the weaker eye is usually permanent.

The good news is that the compromised vision in the weaker eye can be stopped or reversed if it is caught early with a vision screening.  Most doctors and pediatricians recommend a full eye screening at age 3, with a more in-depth examination if that screening discovers a vision problem.  Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC understands that children sometimes need a little extra care, and for that reason, every BCBSNC health plan comes with pediatric vision coverage up to age 19.  Depending on the plan you choose, you may even have help paying for glasses or contacts.  Now, that’s something worth looking into!

For more information on Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina health insurance coverage, the Marketplace and healthcare gov  to apply for your subsidy, please visit our website at or call our toll free number 888-765-5400 and speak with one of our experienced and professional agents.  Let us help you navigate through the Health Care Reform changes in accordance with the new regulations of The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obama care.



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