Senior Fitness – BCBSNC Promotes Wellness at Every Age!

Grandparents And Granddaughter Walking On Winter BeachMy Grandfather was a tobacco farmer in rural North Carolina and he said retirement was a strange kind of irony.  He had more free time than ever before in his life to do things, but he also had less strength and energy. Of course, my Grandfather was a part of a generation that thought a lot about hard work, but not a lot about exercise.  Over the years, what research has proven is that staying active and physically fit is more important than ever as we age.  In fact, maintaining a regular fitness routine can actually help combat the negative effects of aging, such as the lack of strength or energy my Grandfather complained about.  Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina promotes wellness and preventive care at every age, and although I’m not sure my Grandfather ever would have considered participating in any of the following activities, here are some great ways you can stay in good shape well into your Senior years.

1. Yoga – I’m getting a good laugh just picturing my Grandfather in a pair of shorts on a yoga mat, but here’s the truth.  Maintaining flexibility is crucial as our bodies age and become more stiff and sore.  Seniors tend to have more range of motion problems in their joints and the ability to move freely is fundamental to every other aspect of life.  Fitness activities such as Yoga and Pilates improve flexibility and balance and can assist with stress relief, which aids in muscle relaxation and sleep.  Even if you don’t join a Yoga class, make sure you are stretching every day to maintain optimal flexibility.  Typically, a good stretch should be held between 45 seconds – 1 minute.

2. Water Aerobics – There are a multiplicity of health benefits to shallow-water exercise.  Water provides added resistance but also helps regulate your body temperature, reducing the risk of over-exertion and muscle strain.  Adding resistance, such as shallow-water, can double the calorie burn for activities such as walking, running and dancing.  Many communities offer water aerobics classes and it is a great, not to mention fun, way to stay fit!  If you aren’t interested in an aerobics class, consider simply swimming.  Swimming is easy on the body, but a great way to keep yourself heart healthy.

3. Weight-lifting – Maintaining muscle strength is very important to daily living.  Whether you are carrying in a gallon of milk or climbing out of bed, strength training can reduce the rate at which your bones deteriorate.  Having muscle surrounding your bones could help save you from a potential break or fracture.  In addition, building muscle helps reduce fat and increases metabolism, both of which will keep your body more physically fit.  Try to perform strength exercises on all major muscle groups twice a week, starting with light weight and increasing as you gain strength.  If you have never lifted weights before, make sure you have an instructor show you the correct form to avoid injury.

4. Hang out with Grandkids – Hanging out with children has numerous emotional, mental and health benefits for both you and the grandkids.  Children almost never stop moving and they help keep us get up and get active, whether it’s a walk to the park or a day at the beach.  If you don’t have grandkids, adopt some!  As a mother of four children, I guarantee there’s a mom out there who could use a break or at least another set of hands to help push someone in a swing or splash around in the pool.

Whatever you do, stay active!  A sedentary lifestyle equals more trips to the doctor, more hospitalizations, and more chronic health issues.  If you want to do something good for your body and your brain, don’t let age get in the way!  BCBSNC encourages wellness at every age and further supports Senior health by participating in the Silver and Fit program.

Before starting any fitness program, make sure you consult your doctor and make sure you are well enough for physical activity.  For more information on North Carolina insurance coverage or to inquire about Medicare Supplement plans, please visit our website at or call our toll free number 888-765-5400 and speak with one of our experienced and professional agents.


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