Vacation Season – Why Rest is Vital to your Health

Portrait Of Three Generation Family On Beach HolidayAt NC Health Plans, we love summer!  But did you know that extended periods of rest are actually important to your health?  According to the New York Times, taking a vacation can actually improve your physical health and both men and women who take a vacation every two years compared to every six, will lesson the risk of coronary heart disease or heart attacks.  Elaine Eaker, author of a study by the Framingham Heart Study, confirms saying “this is real evidence that vacations are important to your physical health.”

Similar to exercise, which requires periods of strenuous activity followed by periods of rest to maximize training effects, periods of work combined with periods of relaxation maximize productivity.  According to, taking time off to rejuvenate will help insulate you from the symptoms of burnout that can arise from accumulated pressure making you “more creative and productive than your overworked, under-rested counterparts.”  Ellen Langer, a psychology professor at Harvard University told CNN that mindless, uninterrupted routines tend to result in boredom, which hinders creativity and mindfulness.

Here at NC Health Plans, we love to be productive (not to mention relaxed) which is why we are convinced that taking a vacation is vital for mental health and physical well-being.  In a society where stress is literally responsible for serious health conditions, taking a summer break might be the best thing you could do in terms of preventive health care.  Because we are in the health insurance industry, we believe health matters.  Not only should you be properly insured in case something unexpected occurs, but you should also do what you can to keep yourself feeling vital all year long.  This summer, enjoy a little rest and relaxation.

We think it might make all the difference!

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