Where Does My Health Insurance Premium Really Go?
Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014Posted April 14, 2014 – Blue Cross Blue Shield- Health Care Reform Blog
By: James LaCorte
Where does my health insurance premium really go? Health insurance customers often ask a simple question about the premium they pay every month:
Where does my premium dollar go? They’re usually not asking for a quick tutorial on how insurance works: Most people understand that everyone pays into a pool, and only those who need medical care take money out in the form of health care claims. What many of these folks really are asking is how much of that money actually pays for health care and how much goes toward running an insurance company — or toward profits. Fair question. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBSNC) paid $5 billion in claims in 2013. Recently we announced that we spent almost 86 cents of every premium dollar paying for our customers’ health care – doctor visits, surgery, tests, medicine, eyeglasses, etc.
Our non-medical spending largely goes toward customer service and technology. We are also a full-taxed company. In 2013, we paid out more than $100 million in local, state and federal taxes.