Archive for the ‘Health and Fitness’ Category

Get Inspired

Friday, December 5th, 2008

Get Inspired

Once you’ve made the rational decision to start a workplace wellness program, it’s time to put your emotions behind it – and take everyone along with you. By building support at all levels of the organization and letting every employee feel ownership of the program, you’ll greatly enhance your chances of success.

Set the foundation

As with every other initiative, senior management sets the tone – by action and example. Make sure your company’s leaders model the behaviors you want from everyone by providing visible support and participation. Turn your employees into stakeholders by actively seeking and implementing their feedback.

Share the facts

Establishing a successful workplace wellness program relies on two stages of communication. The first is to make sure that your company’s senior and middle management are fully aware of rising medical and health insurance costs and the role unhealthy lifestyles play – not only to each individual, but to the company as a whole. Knowing about the problem will help them buy into the solution, and their support is critical if the program is to work.

Next, you and management need to work together to communicate with the company’s workforce. When employees know the facts about health costs and lifestyle impacts, they’ll better understand that the workplace wellness program isn’t about dictating a certain way of living. It’s about promoting the success of the company and showing that the company cares for their well-being.

When people at every level understand why this program is necessary and what’s at stake, people will be pulling in the same direction.

For more information on health insurance coverage in North Carolina, please visit our website at or call our toll free number 888-765-5400 and speak with one of our qualified agents.  Our agency provides coverage for health insurance in North Carolina through Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBSNC).  You may qualify for a 15% healthy lifestyle discount if you are in excellent health.  Call us for details.

2007 Blue Cross and Blue Shield® Internal Association Data.

Kid’s Fitness

Saturday, November 29th, 2008

There’s a lot of discussion these days about fit kids. People who care (parents, doctors, teachers, and others) want to know how to help kids be more fit.  Being fit is a way of saying a person eats well, gets a lot of physical activity, and has a healthy weight. If you’re fit, your body works well, feels good, and can do all the things you want to do, like run around with your friends.  Some steps only parents can take — such as serving healthy meals or deciding to take the family on a nature hike. But kids can take charge, too, when it comes to health.  (more…)


Thursday, November 27th, 2008

“Why?”  That is the question some of my family and friends asked me when I told them I was going to participate in the Nelson Bay Challenge, a local sprint triathlon.  “Aren’t you getting a little old to push yourself so hard?”  That was another question, with concerns that I might actually kill myself during the training process or the race itself.  I only had one answer – why not?  I have always liked setting specific physical fitness goals for myself and I thought a sprint triathlon could help add some spark to my workout routine.  Another perk………the training program could also help me win some prizes through Blue Points, the health and wellness program offered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina to promote physical fitness activities.

Soccer for Kids

Tuesday, November 25th, 2008

Getting your kids to develop good physical fitness habits can never start to0 early.  Soccer is a great way to keep your kids active and learn about teamwork and sportsmanship that helps build character for their lives ahead.  Even health insurance companies, like Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina, recognize the value of a healthy lifestyle and have developed incentive programs for physical fitness and wellness activities, such as Blue Points.  When first starting your children in a soccer program, it would be a good idea for you as a parent to think about a few very important things, such as… What do you want your kids to accomplish?  How do you define success?  How can I have a positive influence on my child’s experience? 
more–>We often find ourselves as parents getting caught up in the emotional drama that unfolds on the field.  A referee’s call, and opponent’s aggressive style of play, or a disagreement with a coaching decision can stir emotions that we haven’t felt in years.  We all want to see our children succeed, but one parent’s definition of success may be different than another’s.  Many parents define success in win/loss records.  Others define it by skill improvement.  Still others define it as “giving it your best.”  In soccer, especially at young ages, it may be best to define it by how much FUN the kids are having.  If they are having fun, they will continue to play.  If they continue to play, they will have more opportunity to learn more skills, improve, and win more games.  If they aren’t having fun, they may not come back next season.
As parents, we play a significant role in molding our children to become good soccer citizens.  Below are a few guidelines for parents to observe to ensure the fun-factor is running high and character is at the forefront:
1.  Understand the rules.  Soccer is a contact sport with rules just like football or basketball.  Know the rules and you will have a better spectator experience.
2.  Unless you are willing to don the uniform, leave the rule enforcement to the referees.  Verbal disagreement does nothing to change the outcome, but it does put a damper on fun!
3.  Allow the coaches to “coach.”  Don’t give instructions to the kids during games or practices.  They have enough pressure to deal with already.
4.  Support your coach.  Many of them don’t have soccer experience..  Some may simply have a child in the game just like you and have volunteered their time to give to the club.
5.  Volunteer your services.  Water, ice, and snacks are always needed for half time and after the game. 
6.  Cheer at all the matches within the spirit of fair play, regardless of the outcome of the game.  Compliment players from both teams who make good plays.
7.  Allow players to make mistakes – this is when they learn.
8.  Reward and encourage effort, not just wins/losses.
9.  Sit back, relax, and enjoy the game!
It is often hard to remember a list of do’s and don’ts.  So if you remember nothing else, remember that parents positively influence children’s memories and experiences in soccer.  You can set the tone for a healthy lifestyle by setting a positive example at every match.  Healthy kids become healthy adults and with the cost of health insurance today, it pays to have a good health history.  Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina health insurance plans offers a 15% discount on their Blue Advantage and Blue Options HSA plans to those who qualify.


For more information on North Carolina health insurance, please visit our website at or call our toll free number 888-765-5400 and speak with one of our professional authorized agents.  Our agency provides coverage for health insurance in North Carolina through Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBSNC).  You may qualify for a 15% healthy lifestyle discount if you are in excellent health, call all our office for details.

Fitness For Children

Sunday, November 9th, 2008

Like adults, children should be physically active most, if not all, days of the week.

Experts suggest at least 60 minutes of moderate physical activity daily for most children which could include walking fast, bicycling, jumping rope, dancing fast, and playing basketball. These are all good ways for your child to be active.

As children spend more time watching TV and playing computer and video games, they spend less time being active. Parents play a big role in helping kids get up and get moving.



Sunday, November 9th, 2008


Even if you’re losing weight on a diet, you should start an exercise regimen. Exercise is more important than you might think. The benefits of regular physical activity impact every aspect of your daily life.

Exercise helps with ease of movement, builds strong muscles, improves your posture, makes your joints more stable, decreases chronic pain and leads to better sleep patterns and emotional well-being.



Thursday, November 6th, 2008


The good news for those struck with puppy love – or any other pet connection — is that regular interaction with an animal will improve your health and reduce your medical bills.

Pet owners gain health benefits and visit the doctor 10 per cent less than those without pets. The health benefits dipped for those owners whose pets died during the survey and increased for those who acquired a pet.

People with pets are most often better off than people without them. When a pet dies people’s health can decrease; when they get a pet for the first time their health can improve—and it appears that it didn’t matter what sort of pet it was, from horses to goldfish or dogs and cats.  One would assume it would mainly be dogs who offered a health benefit because of the exercise that often comes with them, but it appears it has more to do with companionship.

An animal can also act as prevention against illness.  It also noted that pet owners visit the doctor less often, have lower blood pressure, experience less sleeping difficulties and are in better health than non-pet owners.

To own and care for a pet, particularly a dog, is to enjoy better physical and mental health.  Dog owners, compared to non-owners, are more physically active and report greater satisfaction with their physical fitness. They visit the doctor less often. Fewer take medication for high blood pressure, sleeping difficulties, high cholesterol or a heart problem.


Stroking a pet helps us relax and spending time with a pet can have a soothing effect as our heartbeats slow and blood pressure reduces. For people with high blood pressure having a pet is as beneficial to the condition as reducing salt or alcohol intake.

Pets can reduce the impact of grief. If you have a pet you’re more likely to recover from a heart attack than non-pet owners because of the blood-pressure reducing benefits of pet ownership and the extra companionship for those who live alone. Children with pets are often more self-reliant, more sociable and less selfish than those without a companion animal.

Pets teach children important lessons about responsibility and caring for another life. Many hospitals use pets as therapy for hospitalised children. Pets are loyal companions who can make people feel loved and needed. Pets can spark social interactions; if you’re walking a dog in the park it can be a good icebreaker.

Make your pet a part of your family.  Only bring a new pet into your home if you have the time, patience, finances and love to provide for that special addition.

For information on health insurance coverage in North Carolina, please visit our website at or call our toll free number 888-765-5400 and speak with one of our qualified agents.  Our agency provides coverage for health insurance in North Carolina through Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBSNC).  You may qualify for a 15% healthy lifestyle discount if you are in excellent health.  Call us for details.

Family Fitness

Tuesday, October 14th, 2008

Making the decision to get in shape does not have to be an individual one.  Why not include the entire family?  In our over-scheduled lives, it is difficult for even the most organized families to find family time let alone time to exercise.  There are many exercise activities that can be enjoyed by the entire family and require very little equipment, time or preparation.

  • Riding bicycles, raking fall leaves, turning a walk around the neighborhood into a scavenger hunt, organizing relay races in the front yard, jumping rope and counting to 100 (great practice for little ones learning to count as well)…
  • Adjust your homework, dinner and “family fitness” time so that children are more active afterschool and before dinner.
  • Limit Television, Computer and Video Game time to 2 hours per day for everyone! (except for working parents during work hour)
  • Divide household chores that involve physical exertion between the entire family.  Even a toddler can be given chores to do.
  • Buy exercise and fitness gifts for special occasions such as soccer balls, baseball bats, jump ropes, roller skates and bicycles.
  • Children love to listen to music- have a dance party for 15 minutes in the kitchen while cleaning up from dinner.
  • Fitness can go far beyond the gym and expensive exercise equipment.  Get moving with the entire family and spend quality time too!

The health benefits to moving go far beyond your waistline.  Healthy habits can affect your pocketbook and your nc health insurance rates.  Some applicants for Blue Advantage with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina can qualify for a 15% discount based on healthy lifestyles … even more incentive to get moving!

Once enrolled with BCBSNC, Members can enjoy Blue Points and earn prizes and rewards for their continued healthy lifestyle.

Earn prizes for taking an active role in your health

Physical activity can help reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other health conditions. That’s why we created Blue PointsSM, our physical activity and wellness incentive program available exclusively for members.

Just 30 minutes a day of physical activity or participation in wellness activities earns points toward prizes like electronics, sports equipment, clothing and more!* Collect points and select prizes from our four Blue Points prize levels (B, L, U, and E). Special prizes are available for children ages 6 – 12 through Blue Points for KidsSM.

Be active.
Physical activity and lifestyle changes can greatly reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other health conditions. That’s why we created Blue Points, our physical activity and wellness incentive program available exclusively for members. Our Blue Points program gives you an easy way to track your physical activities and participation in wellness activities – and rewards you with great prizes!

Earn points.
Just 30 minutes a day of physical activity or participation in wellness activities earns you prizes like electronics, sports equipment, clothing and more!*

Work in the yard, play golf, walk the dog. Just keep moving with Blue Points. You can also earn points for participating in specific Online Healthy Living Programs and completing wellness activities like understanding your healthy cholesterol and Body Mass Index (BMI) levels.

Get free prizes.
All you have to do is record your activities in your Blue Points Activity Log. At least 30 minutes or more of physical activity a day or participation in a specific wellness activity earns you 10 points for that day.* Earn 250 points and select a prize from the first Blue Points prize level. There are four levels in all – B, L, U and E – each with great prize options. And, there are also special prizes for kids ages 6 – 12 through Blue Points for Kids.

Want to learn more?
For more information on health insurance coverage in North Carolina, please visit our website at or call our toll free number 888-765-5400 and speak with one of our qualified agents.  Our agency provides coverage for health insurance in North Carolina through Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBSNC).  You may qualify for a 15% healthy lifestyle discount if you are in excellent health.  Call us for details.

Want to support the community?
When you earn enough points to win a Blue Points prize, you’ll have the opportunity to donate it to a local community group.

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